So What Happened at the SCG W2E Protest?

On 1st November a number of anti incinerator groups held a rally outside the Sydney Cricket Ground to protest against a major conference to promote W2E incinerators that was being held there. Our aim was to make attendees aware of the dangers that W2E incinerators pose to our health and the environment – and outline the benefits that a Circular Economy could bring to NSW.

We were able to engage with some of the attendees who came up with some very interesting comments like, “we have to have W2E incineration to reduce Green House Gas emissions from landfills” and “every W2E incinerator proposal has to undertake a human health risk assessment and these assessments prove that there is no risk to human health” and “the W2E industry enhances the recycling industry”.
It’s interesting how the industry develops their own theories to justify their business models!

A big thanks to Sue Higginson who took time out from her busy parliamentary schedule to speak about how a Circular Economy could benefit NSW and Josh from the NSW Greens who helped us drumming up interest in the media!
A big thanks also to Jane Bremmer from Zero Waste Australia and Jeff Angel, Director of the Total Environment Centre who couldn’t make the rally, but provided statements to be read out on their behalf. You can read the full statements from Jane, Jeff and Sue below and check out NMI’s Facebook page for some pics of the day.

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